Don’t spook your customers – 5 scary website mistakes to avoid

Don’t want to frighten off your customers? You’d better read this then…
#1 Shocking spelling mistakes
If you have spelling mistakes on your website, you’ll lose credibility. Misspellings and grammar glitches look sloppy – and nobody will want you if they think you’re sloppy. Seriously, analysis by global web services comparison site Website Planet found that websites with rubbish spelling and grammar had an 85% higher bounce rate than sites that got full marks for their written words. And according to one successful UK online entrepreneur, just ONE spelling mistake could slash your online sales in half.
There are online tools that can help but personally I’m not a fan. Many change spellings from UK to US variations and incorrectly suggest changes. So, really, it pays to hire a copywriter. Or, of course, you can proofread your content yourself – check, check and check it again. Then check it again for good measure.
#2 Scary CTAs
You’ve got to love a compelling Call to Action. It’s the perfect way to direct your customers to the next step – whether that’s downloading a freebie, signing up for a newsletter or simply reading more info to help their buying decision. But a CTA that’s ambiguous will fall on deaf ears. Nobody’s going to click for ‘More’ if they don’t know what’s coming. I think it’s OK to be playful with CTAs, though, so long as it’s clear from the accompanying text what you’re clicking to get.
#3 More scary CTAs
Want to know another howler when it comes to CTAs? Sticking them on your website willy-nilly. So, you’ve just landed on a Homepage and the first thing you see at the top is the CTA for ‘Download brochure’. I mean, hold on, wait a second… I don’t even know who you are and how you can help me yet! It’s like walking into a networking meeting and someone asking you to take their brochure before they’ve even introduced themselves. Say hello, be friendly – and then come at ’em with your CTA.
#4 The Home page horror show
Imagine you’re in a long corridor with doors on either side. There might be a kid cycling along the corridor or there might not. If you haven’t seen The Shining, forget about the kid! On each door there’s a sign inviting you in. What door do you choose? There are soooo many doors. Are you getting spooked by all the doors?
A busy Home page can freak customers out much the same way. They want to feel safe and settled on the page so they can take in the key messages about your business. Throw a load of hyperlinks and CTAs at them and you’ll throw them off course. With so many options, they won’t know what to click on next – and they’ll probably run screaming from your website with their head spinning like The Exorcist. To avoid a horror show, keep your Home page clear, calm and uncluttered.
#5 About page – be afraid, be very afraid!
It’s been such a pleasant experience looking through your website and I’m really interested in your services. I’m now going to pop across to your About page to find out more about you. But what’s this? No photo? Well that makes me feel nervous for a start. And why are you talking in the third person? It’s all ‘He does this’ or ‘She founded that’. You sound like you’re hiding behind a mask – and unless it really IS Halloween, it ain’t funny.
Your website is for engaging with your customers – and you’re scaring them off with your disembodied bio. Don’t be the bogeyman of your business. Use your About page to emotionally connect with the people you want to convert from browsers to buyers.
* Want to work with a frightfully good copywriter? Get in touch on 07894 669750
PHOTO: Andreas Lischka/Pixabay