Blogs. What a wonderful thing they are, no? Lovely bits of marketing content you can use to attract raving fans. Blog wisely and there are big rewards to be had. You can get yourself known as an industry expert. Become an authority in your field. Be seen as an all-round helpful/entertaining/hilariously witty person who people will fall over themselves to hire or buy from.
All that AND blogging is a darned handy way to rank on search engines, too.
Blogs are indeed brilliant.
So don’t expect a copywriter to create such a valuable asset for peanuts.
Here’s what a blog writer brings to the party…
#1 They’re idea-generating machines (but not actually machines)
How often have you stared into space wondering what to blog about? You’ve covered your business from all angles and you’re out of ideas. Hang on – it’s national Take Your Dog To Work Day… but dammit, you don’t have a dog. Wait a minute, what about international Welly Wearing Week… surely you can hook that to your business…
Now copywriters aren’t just excellent writers – they’re also bloody good at coming up with clever angles and hooks. Which stops you scraping the blog barrel. And, frankly, looking a bit of a tw*t when you’ve tried to crowbar Pigeon Wrestling Week into your post.
#2 They’re link lovers
How many external links do you include in your blog? None. Oopsie, you’re missing a trick. Linking to other websites can boost your own website’s authority and credibility. External links don’t come easy, though. You gotta do the research to find the right ones.
Take this blog I wrote for a recruitment tech company. I snuck in five external links. But only after I’d spent time searching for relevant information that came from authoritative sources.
#3 They go in deep
Speaking of links, have you got any internal links in your blog? You sure as hell should have because internal links are super-handy for SEO.
Given I’m a copywriter and talking about blogs I’d be foolish not to pop in an internal link to my blogging service. See what I did there? And when I’m writing blogs for clients, I’ll always dive deep to see which of their web pages or previous blog posts I can link to. Sure, you can do it yourself, but will you remember and can you be bothered?
#4 They cover all bases
If blogging isn’t your thing, you’re probably desperate to knock one out and get it over with. Keyword-rich headlines and sub-heads? Jeez – you haven’t got time for that! Anchor text? What the hell’s anchor text and why do you need it? Calls To Action that compel people to actually take action? Oh, come on – surely customers will call if they want to!
A seasoned blog writer understands that many elements go into creating the ideal blog. They devote time and attention to crafting coherent, compelling posts with everything you need to attract your ideal customer AND tick the search engine boxes.
Bloody brilliant, no?
* Hold onto your peanuts! I charge a minimum of £250 per blog. Don’t want to monkey around with your blogs? Call me on 0789 4669750
PHOTO: Tanja-Denise Schantz/Pixabay