You’re a winner… even if you don’t win

What’s holding you back from entering a business award? Honestly, I’d really like to know. Sure, some awards come with an entry fee – which could put you off if you’re on a tight budget – but a heck of a lot don’t. There are loads of business awards out there – local, national, international – spanning all types of industries. And there are usually multiple categories you can apply for. So the way I’m looking at it, there’s really no reason not to give it a whirl.
Be inspired to apply
Ah – but what if you don’t feel confident that you’ll win or that you even stand a chance? I get that. Funny thing is, when I’ve helped clients write business awards applications their confidence has rocketed. It’s forced them to sit down and really think about their business, from its very beginning to where it is now. And suddenly they can clearly see what an amazing, inspiring, successful business journey it’s been! They’ve read through their completed award entry and literally gone ‘Wow!’
Hire a copywriter
It helps to have a copywriter on board. When you’re running a business, it’s easy to forget just how much you’ve achieved – and having someone like me prompting and prodding can really focus the mind. After sitting down with one client to go through her award application, she was amazed at what she’d accomplished. She went back to the office beaming with pride.
Show your personality
A copywriter can also take your words and, well, polish them up. Awards applications usually have a maximum word count so it’s important to get rid of all the rambling statements and make the points succinct. And depending on the award and the category, you might also need to let your personality shine through. The judges will be looking at a lot of applications so it’s nice for them to read something with a bit of heart and soul.
The application that just keeps giving
The thing about awards applications is that it doesn’t matter if you win. Of course, it would be bloody brilliant if you did. But either way you’ll be left with a document that showcases your business and is there for you to look at whenever you need a boost or to plan your future strategy. You’ll also have lots of well-written, inspirational content that you can use for everything from elevator pitches to LinkedIn profiles.
If you need help writing your business award application, pop me a line.
PHOTO: Fauzan Saari/Unsplash