Woop, woop – it’s question time!
What’s all this about Value Added Visibility?
So glad you asked. You’re probably thinking it’s a bit gimmicky. And, to be fair, you’d have a point. But what I really want you to know is that every single bit of content I write is designed to get your business visible. And I’m talking sit-up-and-take-notice visible. Forget-about-the-competition visible. You’re the greatest-business-ever visible. Just really, REALLY visible!
You’re an ex journalist – so you’re a nosy bugger?
Indeed I am – and proud of it! I spent over 30 years as a journalist and now one of my favourite things is getting my beak into businesses. I like to think my nosiness sets me apart from other copywriters. By asking so many questions – and listening to the answers, obvs! – I really get to the heart of you and your business. And that’s what shines through when I create your content.
So you ask a lot of questions – do I really have time to chat?
Well I hope so. From years of experience, I know that talking brings out all your best bits. Sure, sending me documents helps with research. But if we don’t actually talk how do I get to understand your drive, determination and passion? How do I pick up on those little anecdotes and quirky snippets that make your business different? Honestly, talking is good.
Why don’t you have different packages and pricing options?
Simple answer – I don’t like them. Each to their own, but they’re not for me. Why? Because a lot of the content I write is bespoke. And frankly I’m not running a production line here. You’ll see that some of my services come with a ‘from £££’ price – I hope that helps.
Do I get a discount if I give you lots of work?
Kind of, yes. The more we do together the more I get to know your business, your brand personality, your company tone of voice. That means we can cut down on the talking/nosy/research stuff. Which saves me time. And you a bit of money.
Do you happen to know a great website designer?
Yes, I do. And a photographer. And videographer. And social media manager. And brand consultant. I have access to a whole host of creative partners – all lovely, reliable, awesome people. I can either put you in touch or we can work together as a team on your project. Group hugs optional.
Can you actually play the trumpet?
Got more burning questions for me?
Fire away on 07894 669750 or pop me an email.